As a congregation of the Lord’s church, we strive to practice New Testament Christianity through our worship and lives.
What We Believe
Authority of the Bible
We hold that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is our sole authority in what we do as Christians.
The Bible teaches that one is saved “by grace” and “through faith” in Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:8). The faith that saves is an active and obedient faith (James 2:14-26). One who submits to this faith must hear the gospel (Rom. 10:17), Believe in Jesus Christ (John 3:16), Repent of his/her sins (Acts 2:38), Confess Jesus as Lord (Rom. 10:9-10), and be baptized into Christ (Mark 16:16). It is after baptism that the Lord, not man, adds one to the church (Acts 2:47). Finally, one must “be faithful unto death” in order to receive the eternal glory that awaits the saved (Rev. 2:10).
Greatest Commands
The Middle Fayette Church of Christ is committed to living our lives after the commands of God. Jesus said that the two greatest commands are to love God and love other people (Matt. 22:37-40). Therefore, we believe Christians must strive to live in a way that spreads the love of God to our neighbors.
What to Expect in Worship
Acapella Singing
During our worship we praise God through acapella singing. We do not use mechanical instruments in our worship. We speak to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in our hearts to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19).
Time will be taken for various men of the church to lead the congregation in prayer (1 Tim. 2:1-8).
We partake of the Lord’s Supper every first day of the week as demonstrated in Scripture (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 11:23-26).
Collection of the Saints
The church at Middle Fayette takes time each first day of the week to lay by in store as directed in God’s Word (1 Cor. 16:2).
Biblical Preaching
We strongly believe in the power and authority of God’s word. Therefore, it is our commitment that everything taught from the pulpit will be biblically sound. We encourage you to come, listen, and search the scriptures (Acts 17:11) to make sure this is the case!